Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed), References, and Other Publications
Stertzer, SH, MD, Intervención Coronaria in:Cardiología Intervencionista: De la Fuente, Vetcher, et al- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial, pages 31-41, 2024
Mitsutake Y, Pyun WB, Rouy D, Foo CWP, Stertzer SH, Altman P, Ikeno F: Improvement of local cell delivery using Helix transendocardial delivery catheter in a porcine heart. Int. Heart J 2017; 58:1-6. PubMed PMID:28539564
De la Fuente L, Stertzer S, Argentieri J, Penzloza E, Koziner B, Rouy D, Altman P: Transendocardial Autologous Bone Marrow in Myocardial Infarction Induced Heart Failure, Two-year Follow-up in an Open-Label Phase I Safety Study (the TABMMI study). EuroIntervention 2011;7:805-812
De La Fuente LM, Stertzer SH, Penaloza E, Argentieri J, Miano J, Koziner B, Bilos C, Battaglia L, Lucero G, Rouy D, Altman P: Three Year Follow-up in an Open-label, Pilot Study of Transendocardial Autologous Bone Marrow in Chronic Myocardial Infarction Using a Helical Needle Catheter. Cardiovascualr Revascularization Medicine 10(4):273-273 October 2009
De La Fuente LM, Stertzer SH, Penaloza E, Argentieri J, Miano J, Koziner B, Bilos C, Battaglia L, Lucero G, Rouy D, Altman P: Transendocardial Autologous Bone Marrow in Chronic Myocardial Infarction Using a Helical Needle Catheter. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine 9(2):111-112, April 2008
De la Fuente LM, Stertzer SH, Argentieri J, Penaloza E, Miano J, Koziner B, Bilos C, Altman P: Transendocardial Autologous Bone Marrow in Chronic Myocardial Infarction using the Helical Needle Catheter: One Year Follow-up in an Open-Label, Non-Randomized Single-Center Pilot Study (the TABMMI study) American Heart Journal 154:79.e1 279.e7, 2007.
Barcelo A, De la Fuente LM, Stertzer SH: Anatomic and Histologic Review of the Coronary Sinus. International Journal of Morphology 22(4): 331-338, 2004.
Kataoka T, Grube E, Honda Y, Morino Y, Hur S, Bonneau HN, Colombo A, Di Mario C, Guagliumi G, Hauptmann KE, Pitney MR, Lansky AJ, Stertzer SH, Yock, PG, Fitzgerald PJ: 7-Hexanolytaxol-Eluting Stent for Prevention of Neointimal Growth. Circulation 106(14): 1788-1793, 2002.
Grube E, Gerckens U, Yeung AC, Rowold S, Kirchhof N, Sedgewick J, Yadav JS, Stertzer SH: Prevention of Distal Embolization During Coronary Angioplasty in Saphenous Vein Grafts and Native Vessels Using Porous Filter Protection. Circulation 104(20): 2436-2441, 2001.
De la Fuente LM, Miano J, Mrad J, Penaloza E, Yeaung AC, Eury R, Froix M, Fitzgerald PJ, Stertzer SH: Initial Results of the Quanam Drug Eluting Stent (QuaDS-QP-2) Registr (BARDDS) in Human Subjects. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 53(4): 480-488, 2001.
Honda Y, Grube E, De la Fuente LM, Yock PG, Stertzer SH, Fitzgerald PJ: Novel Drug-Delivery Stent Intravascular Ultrasound Observations From the First Human Experience With the QP2-Eluting Polymer Stent System. Circulation 104 (4): 380-383, 2001.
Rezaee M, Yeung AC, Altman P, Lubbe D, Takeshi S, Schwartz RS, Stertzer SH, Altman JD: Evaluation of the Percutaneous Intramyocardial Injection for Local Myocardial Treatment. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 53:271-276, 2001.
Lo S, Fearon W, Stertzer SH: Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm. Clinical Cardiology 24:345, 2001.
Oesterle SN, Limpijankit T, Yeung AC, Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Yock PG, Fitsgerald PJ. Ultrasound Logic: The Value of Intracoronary Imaging for the Interventionist. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 47(4): 475-490, 1999.
Pomerantsev EV, Kobayashi Y, Fitzgerald PJ, Grube E, Sanders WJ, Alderman EL, Oesterle SN, Yock PG, Stertzer SH: Coronary Stents: In vitro aspects of an angiographic and ultrasound quantification with in vivo correlation. Circulation 98:1495-1503, 1998.
Pomerantsev EV, Colombo A, Delafuente L, Grube E, Juergens C, Mathey D, Schalij M, Goy JJ, Morice MC, Schofer J, Sugeng I, Stertzer SH: Microstent to GFX: experience in 2,325 patients. J of Interven Cardiol 11:101-106, 1998.
Oesterle, SN, Fitzgerald PJ, Yeung AC, Stertzer SH, Dake MD, Virmani R, Yock PG: The Stent Decade: A Current Perspective. Circulation 1997.
Overlie PA, Shawl FA, Vogel RA, Mooney MR, Smith SC Jr., Stertzer SH, Freeman RJ Jr., Ohman EM, Teirstein PS, George BS, Moore KE, RN: Failed Angioplasty with Cardiac Arrest: Survival Characteristics and Outcomes From the National Registry for Emergency Cardiopulmonary Bypass Investigators. Chest 1997.
Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Oesterle SN: Quantitative Coronary Angiographic Analysis of Spasm and Recoil After High Speed Rotational Atherectomy. J Interven Cardiol 10(1):29-40, 1997.
Pomerantsev EV, Kim C, Kernoff RS, Oesterle SN, Yeung A, Fitzgerald PJ, Virmani R, Stertzer SH, Yock PG: Coronary AVE Micro Stents: Serial Quantitative Angiography and Histology in A Canine Model. Cath and Cardiovasc Diagn 41:213-224, 1997.
Stertzer SH, Pomeransev EV, Oesterle SN, Yeung AC, Yock PG, Fitzgerald PJ, Shaw RE, Walton AS, Singer AH, Sanders WJ: High Speed Rotational Atherectomy: Six Months Serial Quantitative Coronary Angiographic Follow Up. Am Heart J 131(4):639-648, 1996.
Webb J, Stertzer S, Ahmad T, Carere R, Mercier B, Dodek A: Multicenter Clinical Experience With the Development of a Novel Short Coronary Stent and Its Prototype Device. Cath Cardiovasc Diag 37(2):120-124, 1996.
Walton AS, Pomerantsev EV, Oesterle SN, Yeung AC, Singer AH, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH: Outcome of Narrowing Related Side Branches Following High Speed Rotational Atherectomy. Am J Cardiol 77(5): 370-373, 1996.
Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Fitzgerald PF, Shaw RE, Walton AS, Singer AH, Yeung A, Yock PG, Oesterle SN: Effects of Technique Modification on Immediate Results of High Speed Rotational Atherectomy in 710 Procedures on 656 Patients. Cath Cardiovasc Diag 36(4):304-310, 1995
Ozaki Y, Keane D, Ruygrok P, de Feyter P, Stertzer SH, Serruys PW: Acute Clinical and Angiographic Results With the New AVE Micro Coronary Stent in Bailout Management. Am J Cardiol 76(3):112-116, 1995.
Pomerantsev EV, Stertzer SH, Shaw RE: Quantitative Left Ventriculography: Methods of Assessment of the Regional Contractility. J Inv Cardiol 7(1):11-18, 1995.
Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Shaw RE, Boucher RA, Millhouse F, Zipkin RE, Hidalgo B, Murphy MC, Hansell NH, Myler RK: Comparative Study of the Angiographic Morphology of Coronary Artery Lesions Treated with PTCA, Directional Coronary Atherectomy, or High-Speed Rotational Ablation. Cath Cardiovasc Diag 33(1):1-9, 1994.
Anwar A, Stertzer SH, Hidalgo B, De La Fuente L, Morales MC, Fischer EI, Shaw RE, Murphy MC, Myler RK: Coronary Stenting with a New Ultra-Short Balloon Expandable Device: Early and Late Animal Results. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 31(1):85-89, 1994.
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Hecht H, Ryan C, Cumberland DC: Restenosis After Coronary Angioplasty: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Implications (Part 2 of Two Parts). J Inv Cardiol 5(9):319-333, 1993.
Stertzer SH, Rosenblum J, Shaw RE, Zipkin RE, Hidalgo BO, Murphy MC, Myler RK, Ryan C: Restenosis Following Successful Rotational Ablation of De Novo Coronary Stenoses. J Inv Cardiol 5(8):295-301, 1993.
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Hecht H, Ryan C: Restenosis After Coronary Angioplasty: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Implications (Part 1 of Two Parts). J Inv Cardiol 5(8):278-287, 1993.
Raju PK, Shaw RE, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Murphy MC: Factors Predicting Worsening of Lesion Morphology in Restenotic Lesions After Coronary Angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 29:85, 1993.
Pomerantsev EV, Stertzer SH, Shaw RE, Hanson CL, Hecht H, Hidalgo B, Jacobs DM, Paju PK, Myler RK: Directional Coronary Atherectomy for Myocardial Infarction as an Ad Hoc Procedure – Role of Brachial Approach. J Inv Cardiol 5(6):225-232, 1993.
Baciewicz PA, Shaw RE, Rosenblum J, Myler RK, Zapolanski A, Anwar A, Stertzer SH, Murphy MC, Hansell HN, Chan J, Leary L: Late Outcome of Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease After Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery. J Inv Cardiol 5(5):179-187, 1993.
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Pomerantsev EV, Raju P, Zipkin RE: A Classification System for Coronary Angioplasty Based Upon Atheroma Burden. J Inv Cardiol 5(4):153-161, 1993.
Shaw RE, Myler RK, Murphy MC, Mooney J, Hansell HN, Stertzer SH: The Evolution of a Clinical Database to Evaluate the Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease. J Inv Cardiol 5(4):162-169, 1993.
Hecht HS, DeBord L, Shaw R, Dunlap R, Ryan C, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Digital Supine Bicycle Stress Echocardiography: A New Technique for Evaluating Coronary Artery Disease. JACC 21(4):950-956, 1993.
Teirstein PS, Vogel RA, Dorros G, Stertzer SH, Vandormael MH, Smith SC, Overlie PA, O’Neill WW: Prophylactic Versus Standby Cardiopulmonary Support for High Risk Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. JACC 21(3):590-596, 1993.
Hecht HS, DeBord L, Shaw R, Dunlap R, Ryan C, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Usefulness of Supine Bicycle Stress Echocardiography for Detection of Restenosis After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Am J Cardiol 71(4):293-296, 1993.
Stertzer SH, Rosenblum J, Shaw RE, Sugeng I, Hidalgo B, Ryan C, Hansell HN, Murphy MC, Myler RK: Coronary Rotational Ablation: Initial Experience in 302 Procedures. JACC 21(2):287-295, 1993.
Huber MS, Fishman-Mooney J, Shaw RE, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Van Tassel RA, Mooney MR: Restenosis Presenting as Total Occlusion After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: Clinical Parameters and Efficacy of Repeat Angioplasty. J Inv Cardiol 4:376-382, 1992.
Rosenblum J, Stertzer SH, Shaw RE, Hidalgo B, Hansell HN, Murphy MC, Myler RK: Rotational Ablation of Balloon Angioplasty Failures. J Inv Cardiol 4(6):312-318, 1992
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Zipkin RE, Rosenblum J, Hecht HS, Ryan C, Briskin JG, Dunlap RW, Hanson CL, Zapolanski Z, Cumberland DC: There is No Such Thing as “Restenosis”. J Inv Cardiol 4(6):282-290, 1992
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Hecht HS, Ryan C, Rosenblum J, Cumberland DC, Murphy MC, Hansell HN, Hidalgo B: Lesion Morphology and Coronary Angioplasty: Current Experience and Analysis. JACC 19(7):1641-1652, 1992
Feldman T, Carroll JD, Isner JM, Chisholm RJ, Holmes DR, Massumi A, Pichard AD, Herrmann HC, Stertzer SH, O’Neill WW, Dorros G, Sundram P, Bashore TM, Ramaswamy K, Jones LS, Inoue K: Effect of Valve Deformity on Results and Mitral Regurgitation After Inoue Balloon Commissurotomy. Circ 85(1):180-187, 1992.
Rosenblum J, O’Donnell MJ, Stertzer SH, Schechtmann NS, Baciewicz PA, Hidalgo B, Myler RK: Rotational Ablation of a Severely Angulated Stenosis Previously Not Amenable to Balloon Angioplasty. Am Heart J 122(6):1766-1768, 1991
Zapolanski A, Rosenblum J, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Millhouse FG, Zatzkis M, Wulff C, Schechtmann NS, Siegel S, Bronstein M, Ellertson D, Leary L: Emergency Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Following Failed Balloon Angioplasty: Role of the Internal Mammary Artery Graft. J Cardiac Surg 6(4):439-448, 1991
Ellis SG, Myler RK, King SB III, Douclas JS Jr, Topol EJ, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Roubin GS, Murphy MC: Causes and Correlates of Death After Unsupported Coronary Angioplasty: Implications for Use of Angioplasty and Advanced Support Techniques in High Risk Settings. Am J Cardiol 68(15):1447-1451, 1991
Schectmann NS, Rosenblum J, Stertzer SH, Hidalgo B, Baciewicz PA, Feind CR, Ward K, Myler RK: Rotational Ablation of Chronic Coronary Occlusions. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 24(4):295-299, 1991
Rosenblum J, Stertzer SH, Ward K, Myler RK: Guide Damage – An Unusual Technical Problem Associated with Rotational Atherectomy. J Inv Cardiol 3(6):259-261, 1991
Rosenblum J, Stertzer SH, Schechtmann NS, Hidalgo B, Baciewicz PA, Myler RK: Brachial Rotational Atherectomy. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 24(1):51-54, 1991
Myler RK, Schechtmann NS, Rosenblum J, Collinsworth KA, Bashour TT, Ward K, Murphy MC, Stertzer SH: Multiple Coronary Artery Aneurysms in an Adult Associated with Extensive Thrombus Formation Resulting in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Successful Treatment with Intracoronary Urokinase, Intravenous Heparin, and Oral Anticoagulation. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 24(1):51-54, 1991
Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Sahw RE: Coronary Angioplasty and Coronary Bypass Surgery. J Inv Cardiol 3(4): 180-190, 1991
Myler RK, Webb JG, Nguyen KPV, Shaw RE, Anwar A, Schechtmann NS, Bashour TT, Stertzer SH, Zapolanski A: Coronary Angioplasty in Octogenarians: Comparisons to Coronary Bypass Surgery. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 23(1):3-9, 1991
Schechtmann NS, Rosenblum J, Shaw RE, Myler RK, Stertzer SH: Angioplasty of the Completely Occluded Coronary Vessel. Surg Tech Int’l, 1:191-195, 1991
Hecht HS, Shaw RE, Chin HL, Ryan C, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Silent Ischemia After Coronary Angioplasty: Evaluation of Restenosis and Extent of Ischemia in Asymptomatic Patients by Tomographic Thallium-201 Exercise Imaging and Comparison With Symptomatic Patients. JACC 17(3):670-677, 1991
Anwar A, Myler RK, Nguyen K, Shaw RE, Webb J, Anwar LB, Murphy MC, Cumberland DC, Stertzer SH: Combined Coronary Angioplasty, Urokinase and Heparin in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Syndromes. J Inv Cardiol 3(1):41-48, 1991
Webb JG, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Anwar A, Stertzer SH: Coronary Angioplasty in Young Adults: Initial Results and Late Outcome. JACC 16(7):1569-1574, 1990
Stertzer SH: Angioplastie Sous Assistance Cardio-pulmonaire Chez les Patients a Haut Risque. L’Information Cardiologique 14(10):3-4, 1990
Hecht HS, Shaw RE, Bruce RT, Ryan C, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Usefulness of Tomographic Thallium-201 Imaging for Detection of Restenosis After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Am J Cardiol 66:1314-1318, 1990
Bowes RJ, Oakley GD, Fleming JS, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Shaw RE, Cumberland DC: Early Clinical Experience With a Hot Tip Laser Wire in Patients With Chronic Coronary Artery Occlusions. J Interven Cardiol 2(6):241-245, 1990
Anwar A, Mooney MR, Stertzer SH, Mooney JF, Shaw RE, Madison JD, VanTassel RA, Murphy MC, Myler RK: Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation Support for Elective Coronary Angioplasty in the Setting of Poor Left Ventricular Function: A Two Center Experience. J Inv Cardiol 2(4):175-180, 1990
Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Left Ventricular Support During High Risk Coronary Angioplasty: An Argument for the Use of Cardiopulmonary Support. J Inv Cardiol 2(4):155-156, 1990
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Bashour TT, Ryan C, Hecht HS, Cumberland DC: Unstable Angina and Coronary Angioplasty. Circ 82(3 Suppl):II-88-95, 1990
Nguyen KPV, Shaw RE, Myler RK, Webb JG, Stertzer SH: Does Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Accelerate Atherosclerotic Lesions? Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 21(1):1-6, 1990
Myler RK, Frink RJ, Shaw RE, Bashour TT, Hecht HS, Ryan C, Cumberland DC, Stertzer SH: The Unstable Plaque: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Implications. J Inv Cardiol 2(3):117-128, 1990
Webb JG, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Anwar A, Mayo JR, Murphy MC, Cumberland DC, Stertzer SH: Coronary Angioplasty After Coronary Bypass Surgery: Initial Results and Late Outcome in 422 Patients. JACC 16(4), 1990
Myler RK, Stertzer SH: Cardiopulmonary Support: The Risk and Benefits of Assisted Coronary Angioplasty. JACC 15(1):30-31, 1990
Myler RK, Boucher RA, Cumberland DC, Stertzer SH: Guiding Catheter Selection for Right Coronary Artery Angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 19(1):58-67, 1990
Dorros G, Lewin RF, Stertzer SH, King JF, Waller F, Myler RK, Mathiak L, Murphy M, Shaw RE, Assa J, Anderson AJ: Percutaneous Transluminal Aortic Valvuloplasty – the Acute Outcome and Follow-Up of 149 Patients Who Underwent the Double Balloon Technique. European Heart J 11:429-440, 1990
Webb JG, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Guermonprez JL, Jais JM, Maouad J: Angioplasty of Small Diameter Coronary Arteries Using an Angiographic Catheter and Probe. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 20(4):261-266, 1990
Webb JG, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Anwar A, Murphy MC, Fishman-Mooney J, Mooney MP, Stertzer SH: Bidirectional Cross-Over and Late Outcome After Coronary Angioplasty and Bypass Surgery: 8 to 11 Year Follow-Up. JACC 16(1):57-65, 1990
Stertzer SH, Shaw RE, Myler RK, O’Donnell MJ: The Setting of Coronary Angioplasty in Multivessel Disease: Current Status and Future Directions. Cardiol Clinics 7(4):771-782, 1989
Ellis S, Shaw RE, Gershony G, Thomas R, Roubin GS, Douglas JS, Topol EJ, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, King SB III: Risk Factors, Time Course and Treatment Effect for Restenosis After Successful Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty of Chronic Total Occlusion. Am J Cardiol 63:897-901 1989
Nguyen K, Myler RK, Hieshima G, Ashraf M, Stertzer SH: Treatment of Coronary Artery Stenosis and Coronary Arteriovenous Fistula By Interventional Cardiology Techniques. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 18(4):240-243, 1989
Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Cumberland DC, Shaw RE: Multiple Vessel Angioplasty. J Inv Cardiol 1(4):191-199, 1989
Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Cumberland DC, Web JG, Shaw RE: Coronary Angioplasty: Indications, Contraindications and Limitations: Historical Perspective and Technological Determinants. J Interven Cardiol 2(3):179-185, 1989
Crew J, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Hanna E, White R, Cumberland DC, Hidalgo B, Dean M: Blood Vessel Welding By Laser: Preliminary Clinical Application. J Inv Cardiol 1:77-89, 1989
Mayo JR, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Cumberland DC, Bashour T, Manubens S, Hidalgo : Angioplasty of Unusually Large Coronary Arteries Using the Hugging Balloon Technique Via a Single Guiding Catheter. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 17:87-91, 1989
Nguyen KPV, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: Does Coronary Angioplasty Cause Progression of Atherosclerotic Disease? Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 17:64, 1989
Myler RK, Mooney MR, Fishman-Mooney J, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Murphy MC: Longterm Follow-Up 12 Years After Coronary Angioplasty: Outcome in Coronary Bypass and Angioplasty Groups. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 17:62, 1989
Ellis SG, Shaw RE, Gershony G, Thomas R, Roubin GS, Douglas JS, Topol EJ, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, King SB III: Risk Factors, Time Course and Treatment Effect for Restenosis After Successful Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty of Chronic Total Occlusion. Am J Cardiol 63:897-901, 1989
Stertzer SH, Shaw RE, Myler RK, O’Donnell MJ: The Setting of Coronary Angioplasty in Multivessel Disease: Current Status and Future Directions. Cardiol Clinics 7(4):771-782, 1989
Boucher RA, Myler RK, Clark DA, Stertzer SH: Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 14:269-285, 1988
Clark DA, Marquardt W, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Andreae GE, Andreae LT, Fishman J, Murphy MC: Coronary Angioplasty in Patients with Prior Bypass Surgery: Early and Long Term Results. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 15:205, 1988
Bergin P, Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Ryan C, Murphy MC: Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in the Treatment of Silent Ischemia. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 15:223-228, 1988
Green GE, Stertzer SH, Reppert EH: Use of the Internal Mammary Artery in Myocardial Revascularization. Ann Thor Surg 45:4, 1988
Ellis SG, Roubin GS, King SB III, Douglas Jr JS, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Myler RK: In-Hospital Cardiac Mortality After Acute Closure After Coronary Angioplasty: Analysis of Risk Factors from 8207 Procedures. JACC II(2):211-6, 1988
Bashour TT, Myler RK, Andreae GE, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Ryan CJ: Current Concepts in Unstable Myocardial Ischemia. Am Heart J 115:850-861, 1988
Mooney MR, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Fishman J: The Balloon on a Wire Device: A New Ultra-Low Profile Coronary Angioplasty System/Concept. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 14:135-140, 1988
Potkin BN, Myler RK, Motamed HE, Mann JM, Hendel JL, Sperling DC, Stertzer SH, Roberts WC: Delayed Clinical Evidence of Coronary Arterial Disruption After Presumably Successful Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty for Angina Pectoris. Am J Cardiol 60:909-911, 1987
Topol EJ, Ellis S, Fishman-Rosen J, Leimgruber P, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, O’Neill WW, Roubin GS, Douglas JS, King SB III: Multicenter Study of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Right Coronary Artery Ostial Stenosis. JACC 9:1214-1218, 1987
Shaw RE, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Clark DA: Recurrence After Coronary Angioplasty: Prediction and Prevention. Cardiol 4:42-25, 1987
Myler RK, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC: Recurrence After Coronary Angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 13:77-86, 1987.
Myler RK, Topol EJ, Shaw RE, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC: Multiple Vessel Coronary Angioplasty: Classification, Results and Patterns of Restenosis in 494 Consecutive Patients. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 13:1-15, 1987
Cote G, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC, Shaw RE: Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty of Stenotic Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts: 5 Years Experience. JACC 9:8-17, 1987
Shaw RE, Cohen F, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Myler RK: Psychologic Predictors of Psychosocial and Medical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angioplasty. Psychosomatic Med 48(8):582-597, 1986
Choy DS, Marco J, Fournial G, Stertzer SH: Argon Laser Recanalization of Three Totally Occluded Human Right Coronary Arteries. Clin Cardiol 9:296-298, 1986
Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Shaw RE, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC: Coronary Angioplasty at the Time of Initial Cardiac Catheterization: “Ad Hoc” Angioplasty Possibilities and Challenges. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 12:213-214, 1986
George GS, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Clark DA, Cote G, Shaw RE, Fishman-Rosen J, Murphy MC: Balloon Angioplasty of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions: The Kissing Balloon Technique. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 12(2):124-138, 1986
Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Insel H, Wallsh E, Rossi P: Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty in Left Main Stem Coronary Stenosis: A Five-Year Appraisal. Intl J Cardiol 9:149-159, 1985.
Topol EJ, Myler RK, Stertzer SH: Selection of Dilatation Hardware for PTCA. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 11:629-637, 1985
Choy DSJ, Stertzer SH, Loubeau JM, Kesseler H, Quilici P, Rotterdam H, Meltzer L: Embolization and Vessel Wall Perforation in Argon Laser Recanalization. Lasers in Surg and Med 5:297-308, 1985
Wallsh E, Weinstein GS, Franzone AJ, Clavel A, Stertzer SH: Adjunctive Operative Coronary Artery Balloon-Catheter Dilatation: Review of Lenox Hill Experience. Am Heart J 107:856, 1984
Kent KM, Bentivoglio LG, Block PC, Bourassa MG, Cowley MJ, Dorros G, Detre KM, Gosselin AJ, Gruentzig AR, Kelsey SF, Mock MB, Mullin SM, Passamani ER, Myler RK, Simpson J, Stertzer SH, VanRaden MJ, Williams DO: Long Term Efficacy of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA): Report from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute PTCA Registry. Am J Cardiol 53:27C-31C, 1984
Jang GC, Block PC, Cowley MJ, Gruentzig AR, Dorros G, Holmes DR, Kent KM, Leatherman LL, Myler RK, Sjolander SME, Stertzer SH, Vetrovec GW, Willis WH, Williams DO: Relative Cost of Coronary Angioplasty and Bypass Surgery in a One-Vessel Disease Model. Am J Cardiol 53:52C-55C, 1984
Dorros G, Stertzer SH, Cowley MJ, Myler RK: Complex Coronary Angioplasty: Multiple Coronary Dilatations. Am J Cardiol 53:126C-130C, 1984
Choy DSJ, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Marco J, Fournial G: Human Coronary Laser Recanalization. Clin Cardiol 7:377-381, 1984
Dorros G, Cowley MJ, Simpson J, Bentivoglio LG, Block PC, Bourassa MG, Detre KM, Gosselin AJ, Gruentzig AR, Kelsey SF, Kent KM, Mock MB, Mullin SM, Myler RK, Passamani ER, Stertzer SH, Williams DO, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA): Report of Complications from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute PTCA Registry. Circ IV-67:723-230, 1983
Dorros G, Stertzer SH: Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Bulletin. Vsesoyoznogo Nautchnogo Tsentra Amnssr 1:105-115, 1983
Dorros G, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Kaltenbach M, Spring D: Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: Comparison of the Brachial and Femoral Methods. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 9:547-553, 1983
Dorros G, Stertzer SH: Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: Brief Review of the First 1500 Cases in the NHLI-PTCA Registry. Applied Radiology 12(4):69, 1983
Alcan KE, Stertzer SH, Wallsh E, Depasquale NP, Bruno MS: The Role of Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Am Heart J 105(3):527-530, 1983
Dorros G, Stertzer SH, Myler RK, et al: Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Registry: The First 1500 Cases. Terapevtichesky Arkhiv 11:15, 1982
Choy DS, Stertzer SH, Rotterdam HZ, Bruno MS: Laser Coronary Angioplasty: Experience with Cadaver Hearts. J Cardiol 50:1209-1211, 1982
Choy DS, Stertzer SH, Rotterdam HZ, Sharrock N, Keminow N: Transluminal Laser Catheter Angioplasty. Am J Cardiol 50:1206-1208, 1982
Dorros G, Stertzer SH, Bruno MS, Kaltenbach M, Myler RK, Spring DA: The Brachial Artery Method to Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 8:233-242, 1982
Wallsh E, Franzone AJ, Weinstein GS, Alcan K, Clavel A, Stertzer SH: Use of Operative Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty as an Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass. J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 84:843-848, 1982
Williams DO, Stertzer SH: Guidelines for the Performance of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Circ 66(4):693-694, 1982
Alcan KE, Stertzer SH, Wallsh E, Franzone AJ, DePasquale NN, Bruno MS: The Expanding Role of Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation in Critical Care Cardiology in a Community-Based Hospital. Cardiovasc Rev and Rep 3(1):61-69, 1982
Wallsh E, Clauss RH, Armellin C, Franzone AJ, Steichen F, Stertzer SH: Manual Coronary Endarterectomy with Saphenous Bypass: Experience with 263 Patients. Ann Thor Surg 32(5):451-455, 1981
Block PC, Myler RK, Stertzer SH, Dallon JT: Morphology After Transluminal Angioplasty in Human Beings. N Engl J Med 305(7):382-385, 1981
Kaltenbach M, Kober G, Salter P, Gruentzig A, Myler RK, Stertzer SH: Konservative Terapei, aorotkornare Bypassoperation oder transluminale Angioplastik: Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Herz-u. Kreislaufforsch 6:130-137, 1980
Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Wallsh E, Bruno MS, DePasquale N: Frontiers of Therapy: Dilatation of Obstructed Coronaries by Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. J Cardiovasc Med 5(12):1059-1064, 1980
Wallsh E, Franzone AJ, Clauss RH, Bruno MS, Steichen F, Stertzer SH: Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty During Saphenous Coronary Bypass Surgery: A Preliminary Report. Ann of Surg 191:234-237, 1980
Stertzer SH, Myler RK, Bruno M, Wallsh E: Transluminal Coronary Artery Dilatation. Prac Cardiol 5(3):25, 1979
Gruentzig A, Kaltenbach M, Myler RK, Stertzer SH: Perkutane Transluminale Angioplastik der Koronararaterien (Zusammenfassung der Ergenbnisse), verh Dtsch. Ges. Herz-u. Kreislaufforsch 45:136-139, 1979
Stertzer SH, DePasquale NP, Cohn LG, Bruno MS: Evaluation of a Rechargeable Pacemaker System. Pace 1:186-188, 1977
Wallsh E, Franzone AJ, Fiume F, Stertzer SH: Occurrence of Coronary Spasm During Coronary Bypass Surgery. NY J Med 77:2078-2085, 1977
Franzone AJ, Wallsh E, Stertzer SH, DePasquale NP, Bruno MS: Reduced Incidence of Intraoperative Myocardial Infarction During Coronary Bypass Surgery with the Use of Intracoronary Shunt Technique. Am J Cardiol 39:1017, 1977
Wallsh E, Franzone AJ, Weinstein G, Stertzer SH: Distal Right Coronary Endarterectomy with Saphenous Coronary Bypass for Diffuse Coronary Disease. NY J Med 11:1827-1833, 1976
Weinstein G, Nichols NH, Rogers MR, Franzone AJ, Stertzer SH, Wallsh E: Endocarditis of Aortic Valvular Prosthesis Due to Listeria Monocytogenes. Chest 69:6, 1976
Stertzer SH, DePasquale NP, Bruno MS, Cohn LJ: Right Ventricular Apex Angioplasty for Precise Placement of Transvenous Pacemakers. Chest 69:222-223, 1976
DePasquale NP, Bruno MS, Stertzer SH: Coronary Arteriography Appearances in Patients with Left Anterior Hemiblock. European J of Cardiol 2(3):295-297, 1975
Stertzer SH, DePasquale NP, Bruno MS, Cohn LJ: Early Evaluation of Rechargeable Pacemaker Systems. Circ 54:4, 1975
Weinstein G, Franzone AJ, Stertzer SH, Wallsh E: Subvalvular Stenosis of Aortic Prosthesis: A Complication of the Suture Buttress Technique. J Thor Cardio Surg 68:17-20, 1974
DePasquale NP, Bruno MD, Stertzer SH: Disappearance of Papillary Muscle Dysfunction After Bypass Surgery. Arch Surg 107:99-100, 1973
Green GE, Spencer FC, Tice DA, Stertzer SH: Arterial and Venous Microsurgical Bypass Grafts for Coronary Artery Disease. J Thor Cardio Surg 60: 491, 1970
Green GE, Stertzer SH, Gordon RB, Tice DA: Anastomosis of the Internal Mammary Artery to the Distal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery. Circ 41:11-19, 1970
Dumont AE, Stertzer SH, Mulholland J: Experimental Biliary Obstructions: Effects of Thorotrast on Lymph and Serum Bilirubin Levels. Am J Physiol 202:4, 1962
Spencer FC, Reppert EH, Stertzer SH: Surgical Treatment of Mitral Insufficiency Secondary to Coronary Artery Disease. Arch Surg 95:858-861, 1967
Green GE, Stertzer SH, Reppert EH: Coronary Arterial Bypass Grafts. Ann Thor Surg 5:443-450, 1968
U.S. Patents Issued
de la Fuente; Luis M., Stertzer; Simon H., Argentieri; Julio, Penaloza; Eduardo, Altman; Peter A., 2016. Treatment for chronic myocardial infarct. US Patent No. 9,517,199. Filed February 24, 2015, and issued December 13, 2016.
de la Fuente; Luis M., Stertzer; Simon H., Argentieri; Julio, Penaloza; Eduardo, Altman; Peter A., 2016. Treatment for chronic myocardial infarct. US Patent No. 9,504,642. Filed July 30, 2013, and issued November 29, 2016.
Rosenman; Daniel C., Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2015. Method of accessing a contralateral femoral artery of a patient. US Patent No. 9,078,994. Filed August 13, 2013, and issued July 14, 2015.
Rosenman; Daniel C., Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2015. Method of accessing a renal artery of a patient. US Patent No. 9,022,977. Filed June 11, 2013, and issued May 5, 2015.
Rosenman; Daniel C., Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2015. Method of implanting a PFO occluder in a patient. US Patent No. 9,017,284. Filed August 13, 2013, and issued April 28, 2015.
Rosenman; Daniel C., Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2015. Method of accessing a carotid artery of a patient. US Patent No. 9,011,373. Filed August 13, 2013, and issued April 21, 2015.
Rosenman; Daniel, Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2015. Steerable guide catheters and Methods for Their Use. US Patent No. 8,939,960. Filed July 22, 2008, and issued January 27, 2015.
de la Fuente; Luis M., Stertzer; Simon H, Argentieri; Julio, Penaloza; Eduardo, Altman; Peter A., 2013. Treatment for chronic myocardial infarction. US Patent No. 8,496,926. Filed April 16, 2007, and issued July 30, 2013.
Altman; Peter A., Altman; John D., Stertzer; Simon, 2011. Drug Delivery Catheters that attach and methods for their use. US Patent No. 8,027,740. Filed July 5, 2001, and issued September 27, 2011.
Rosenman; Daniel, Kayser; Daniel, Keleher; Michael, Fravala; Nick, Cook; Richard, Tale; Mark, Arko; Frank, Stertzer; Simon, Altman; Peter A., 2008. Steerable guide catheters and methods for their use. US Patent No. 7,402,151. Filed December 17, 2004, and issued July 22, 2008.
Altman; Peter A., Altman; John D., Stertzer; Simon, 2002. Drug delivery catheters that attach to tissue and methods for their use. US Patent No. 6,416,510. Filed October 13, 1999, and issued July 9, 2002.
Phan; Loc, Stertzer; Simon, Froix; Michael, Intravascular stent, 1999. US Patent No. 5,954,744. Filed June 26, 1997, and issued September 21, 1999.
Phan; Loc, Stertzer; Simon, Froix; Michael. Endoprosthetic device with therapeutic compound, 1997. US Patent No. 5,674,242. Filed November 15, 1996, and issued October 7, 1997.
Phan; Loc, Froix; Michael, Stertzer; Simon, Intravascular stent, 1997. US Patent No. 5,603,722. Filed June 6, 1995, and issued February 18, 1997.
Ademovic; Martin K., Hidalgo; Ben, Crew; John, Stertzer; Simon H., 1991. Atherectomy device with helical cutter. US Patent No. 5,074,841. Filed January 30, 1990, and issued December 24, 1991.